Our expertise is to provide solutions for process control, defect detection, measurement, assembly verification, packaging, surface, continuous web and discrete component inspections in the field of:
Provide Solutions For Various Industries
• Highly Recognise by Top Industries Player in the Market
• Engineer Team form by a Group of Vision Expertise
• Using innovative Inspection Method, Latest High-Tech Equipment
• Offer Cost & Time Effective Solutions
Benefits of Implementing Vision Inspection
To Your Business

Increase Quality
Quick Identify and Quick fix of high defects process

Reduce Manpower
Inspection can be done by machine vision instead of manual inspection

Improve Reputation
Good products delivery to customer increase customer satisfaction and build reputation

24 hours Inspection
Non-Stop Inspection process can Maximize Production Yield

Reduce Wastage
Early defects detention can avoid further use of raw materials

Save Time & Cost
Reduction of wastage and Manpower, can help to save cost, Simplify process can help to save time
Benefits of Machine Vision Inspection to User

Each Unit Inspection
Cover each unit of products without miss

Multiple Inspection
Multiple defects inspection can be done at once with software setting and algorithm

Data Collection
Data collected can be use for tracking , forecast. Defects process analysis

High Accuracy Result
Results are more reliable and consistent than human inspection results

Reduce Downtime
Prevent defects products to damage the machine part

Safer Inspection
Inspection can be done from hazardous or very hot environment

High Speed Inspection
Inspection can be done at the fast moving conveyor

Narrow Space Inspection
Inspection can be done at a small area or gap